Ember is usually very aware of what day of the week it is, but for some reason today must have thrown her because she asked me this morning if she could stay home and "do school" with me. This is something I've allowed her to do during the school year when I've been home for one reason or another- holidays, one or both of them is sick, doctor's appointment ended up scheduled so I had to take a full day, whatever the reason. I've told her she could stay home from preschool several times, but only if she would be willing to do school work at home. Today she offered. Nevermind that it was Saturday. I wasn't about to point out that detail.
So this morning both girls, yes both(!) "did school." It was shockingly simple. And I'm not just saying that to toot my own horn or whatever. I really am shocked (see my shocked face?).
8:30 Ember started her morning with Math Whizz (amazing computer games BTW), a couple games she's played before on counting and more/less concepts. Briar also did "math" by playing with Duplos. She made a bunch of towers and put them in a row (rows are her "thing"). I counted them for her- ta dah- math with a 16 month old.
8:50 Ember did a couple pages (well, I suggested 2 pages- Ember did 8)from her kindy workbook on shapes, oval and triangle review. Briar scribbled on a bunch of paper and I wrote her name for her to scribble on. Briar had a snack while Ember enjoyed her shapes.
9:15 Then we all played outside and checked on the garden. Ember worked on throwing and kicking balls. Briar chased us around, screaming...happily screaming.
10:00 Ember made a craft with feathers and paper, a rectangle bird and butterfly- my sneaky way to get her to practice drawing triangles and ovals. ;) Briar was playing with feathers and fridge magnets. Our fridge looks marvelous! Then the girls both played in the playroom for a while (zhu zhu pets and dancing)
11:00 Then lunch and a little Yo Gabba Gabba (Thank you Netflix!). I learned the Briar loves, no adores! Ramen noodles. Then we read 6 books together. I read 5 and Ember read 1. Briar pointed out every ball or ball like object in every book. And now they are napping.
Weee, lets do this again tomorrow! Of course Ember will probably remember it's Sunday.
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