When I was a kid, I drew. It was more than just "let me draw you a picture. It was a nonstop need to continually draw. It got me a paddling in first grade and continued all the way until my 12th grade AP Lit. teacher called a conference with my mom to complain. Logic dictates that I'd have an art degree by now and I do: a BFA which I don't use very often. As an adult the art is used more for its "wow factor". I think my grades were slightly inflated in a teaching class during my masters because of my illustrations. But, really, it's more of a parlor trick now. Art doesn't make money.
So, this blog is about my kids. Therefore, lets get to the point of that childhood background information. Ember draws. About a month ago she started drawing in almost all of her spare time. She's gone through 3 reams of paper, and the better part of two packs of markers in a month. This morning, while getting her swimsuit for her lessons this afternoon, I also picked up all the drawings on the floor in her room. The room was blanketed! You'd think she was trying to re-carpet in marker maidens and spider-y cat squiggles. 32 pieces of paper!! None wasted, all drawn on with multiple figures and scenes. This is all from yesterday... not just yesterday, but from 7-9pm yesterday. I made her clean her room at 7. That is like my drawing obsession on steroids! The teacher in me wants to encourage her to add a word or two to each one. The artist in me wouldn't dare. The artist wins.
I hope she keeps it up and I hope I can find a good source of scratch paper this year!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
This time last year, Ember was 3 and a little bit. She was a terrific reader, drew cute pictures of people and never stopped talking. She could not, however, figure out Duplos (toddler legos). She could sort of get them together but not in any order and certainly not building anything specific. Visual/spacial intelligence is not her forte!
Let's switch to Briar now. Briar has been able to put Duplos together in that same haphazard fashion that Ember did at age 3 for a few months, before her first birthday for sure. Now, she will spend upwards of 30-45 minutes building with the things. Mostly towers and often repetitively. Same tower, same order- 9 times. Then a different tower over and over again. Or a whole series of two block creations all with a green block on the bottom. Just odd enough to leave all us adults scratching our heads! But the point here- Briar LOVES Duplos. Adores, can't get enough. I have to sneak to put them away and I'll get all out screaming if she sees me doing it!
At 16 months though, I've got to wonder if she'll continue loving legos and other building toys when she's older. That would make my mom happy for sure! She always wanted me to be into stuff like that.
Let's switch to Briar now. Briar has been able to put Duplos together in that same haphazard fashion that Ember did at age 3 for a few months, before her first birthday for sure. Now, she will spend upwards of 30-45 minutes building with the things. Mostly towers and often repetitively. Same tower, same order- 9 times. Then a different tower over and over again. Or a whole series of two block creations all with a green block on the bottom. Just odd enough to leave all us adults scratching our heads! But the point here- Briar LOVES Duplos. Adores, can't get enough. I have to sneak to put them away and I'll get all out screaming if she sees me doing it!
At 16 months though, I've got to wonder if she'll continue loving legos and other building toys when she's older. That would make my mom happy for sure! She always wanted me to be into stuff like that.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Yesterday in the car, Ember was quizzing me. She thinks it's great fun. Ask mom the question. Mom gives some off the wall answer. Giggle and say the right answer. Repeat.
We went through several rounds of her quizzing, all math today and mostly doubles. 2+2 and 4+4 and so on. Finally, through a fit of giggles she said "5+5" to which I decided to throw her a little a give a close answer rather than "22,000" which was the first number that came into my head. So I said "11" and she laughed and said, "No, mom that would be 6+6 minus 1!"
I make a big effort lately not to make a huge big deal out of stuff like this but, really, did my 4 year old just say that to me? Number sense! Yay! I'm thrilled to the point of cheering and clapping when my kiddos at work do that. There were several things running through my head. First was that Number Sense! Yay! thing. Then, wait, she understands subtraction? Then, OMG, She just used a near double correctly! Then, hold on a sec, when did she even learn 6+6??
I must have stayed quiet too long. E, "Mom?"
M, "Yeah."
E, "Do you think Nyan Cat has rainbow poop?"
M, "Er... maybe?" Yep, she's four. Rainbow poop- very four.
We went through several rounds of her quizzing, all math today and mostly doubles. 2+2 and 4+4 and so on. Finally, through a fit of giggles she said "5+5" to which I decided to throw her a little a give a close answer rather than "22,000" which was the first number that came into my head. So I said "11" and she laughed and said, "No, mom that would be 6+6 minus 1!"
I make a big effort lately not to make a huge big deal out of stuff like this but, really, did my 4 year old just say that to me? Number sense! Yay! I'm thrilled to the point of cheering and clapping when my kiddos at work do that. There were several things running through my head. First was that Number Sense! Yay! thing. Then, wait, she understands subtraction? Then, OMG, She just used a near double correctly! Then, hold on a sec, when did she even learn 6+6??
I must have stayed quiet too long. E, "Mom?"
M, "Yeah."
E, "Do you think Nyan Cat has rainbow poop?"
M, "Er... maybe?" Yep, she's four. Rainbow poop- very four.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
cloth diapers
"Oh...okay." (swift change of subject!)
"Do they work? I can't imagine they work that well do they?"
"Isn't that a lot of extra work?"
"Good for you but they gross me out."
"They wouldn't work for our family because x, y, z."
"They are so expensive!"
"Well, you know the water and soap you use out weighs the environmental benefit."
The reactions when I tell people we use cloth diapers on Briar are generally very, well see for yourself. *points up* But seriously, if you were on the fence about it, try it! It isn't any harder than disposables. Really. Seriously. Not kidding, exaggerating or otherwise pulling the wool in any way.
Here's the really simple answer to all of that. The diapers were $15 each and I have 15 (2 days worth) so that was $225 dollars. They paid for themselves in about 3 months. I have about 1 extra load of laundry a week. Wait, how does that work?? I just said I have 2 days worth. I wash other things with them. Usually towels, but sometimes whites. As far as extra work, the only things that are different about use are that I dump the poop in the toilet and put the diapers in a pail instead of the trash. If we are out and about they go in the bag instead of the garbage. I fail to see the gross factor. They are washed on hot with soap. *shrugs* No more gross than underwear to me. And they work well with two added benefits. 1. Briar tells me when she's wet/poopy 2. Little Miss Rashy Butt hasn't had a single rash since we started using them.
It comes down to a personal choice like everything, but I really can't figure out why more people don't use them, other than the obvious *points up again* social stigma. Cheaper, just as simple as disposables, environmentally friendly. I wish I would have tried them with Ember, but since everyone seemed to say they were so "hard" "gross" "expensive" and "so much work" I just stayed away.
Oh and, Skinny Legs over there can actually wear pants in a cloth diaper. She can't do anything other than leggings in "sposies." So, you know, it's really all a fashion choice. ;)
"Do they work? I can't imagine they work that well do they?"
"Isn't that a lot of extra work?"
"Good for you but they gross me out."
"They wouldn't work for our family because x, y, z."
"They are so expensive!"
"Well, you know the water and soap you use out weighs the environmental benefit."
The reactions when I tell people we use cloth diapers on Briar are generally very, well see for yourself. *points up* But seriously, if you were on the fence about it, try it! It isn't any harder than disposables. Really. Seriously. Not kidding, exaggerating or otherwise pulling the wool in any way.
Here's the really simple answer to all of that. The diapers were $15 each and I have 15 (2 days worth) so that was $225 dollars. They paid for themselves in about 3 months. I have about 1 extra load of laundry a week. Wait, how does that work?? I just said I have 2 days worth. I wash other things with them. Usually towels, but sometimes whites. As far as extra work, the only things that are different about use are that I dump the poop in the toilet and put the diapers in a pail instead of the trash. If we are out and about they go in the bag instead of the garbage. I fail to see the gross factor. They are washed on hot with soap. *shrugs* No more gross than underwear to me. And they work well with two added benefits. 1. Briar tells me when she's wet/poopy 2. Little Miss Rashy Butt hasn't had a single rash since we started using them.
It comes down to a personal choice like everything, but I really can't figure out why more people don't use them, other than the obvious *points up again* social stigma. Cheaper, just as simple as disposables, environmentally friendly. I wish I would have tried them with Ember, but since everyone seemed to say they were so "hard" "gross" "expensive" and "so much work" I just stayed away.
Oh and, Skinny Legs over there can actually wear pants in a cloth diaper. She can't do anything other than leggings in "sposies." So, you know, it's really all a fashion choice. ;)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Yes, Mommy
So about 2 months ago, I noticed that Ember was sounding rather rude and entitled all. the. time. Irritating. She was in trouble a lot, lost privileges, got spanked and got praised for when she was polite. Then we tried ignoring it. But there is a limit. And the limit was socks. Yes, socks.
I had asked her to help me get her sister dressed. She said, "uh...okay." Slightly sassy, you know, just pushing the limit a little. I asked, "Could you go grab some socks for Bri?" Ember wanders into Briar's room to complete what should have been a 5 second task. I change Briar's diaper, get her dressed and am playing with her while we wait.
"Ember? I need those socks."
Response. "I'm busy."
What??? "Ember, get the socks now."
"Maybe later."
By this point Briar is crying. I got the socks myself and Ember was just chilling in Briar's rocking chair reading. Ember ended up losing her "big girl privileges" for the day and getting dropped off at day care early. The later because I needed time to evaluate this situation. And I had it, a big duh moment. I'd do with her exactly what I'd do at work. Practice.
That evening that's all she did. She practiced. I reminded her that she is expected to do as she is told every time and the first time. And, I added this on, "The only thing I want to hear when I ask you to do something is 'Yes, Mommy' and then you do it, immediately." Low and behold... I have been hearing "Yes, Mommy!" ever since.
So this learned behavior (thanks so much sassy kiddo in Ember's class, lol) was easily solved by just telling her my expectations and having her practice. She probably didn't even know what I wanted before or that it was important to me. Just this morning, I asked her to clean up the kitchen with me and she immediately dropped what she was doing and said, "Yes, mommy." Music to my ears!
I had asked her to help me get her sister dressed. She said, "uh...okay." Slightly sassy, you know, just pushing the limit a little. I asked, "Could you go grab some socks for Bri?" Ember wanders into Briar's room to complete what should have been a 5 second task. I change Briar's diaper, get her dressed and am playing with her while we wait.
"Ember? I need those socks."
Response. "I'm busy."
What??? "Ember, get the socks now."
"Maybe later."
By this point Briar is crying. I got the socks myself and Ember was just chilling in Briar's rocking chair reading. Ember ended up losing her "big girl privileges" for the day and getting dropped off at day care early. The later because I needed time to evaluate this situation. And I had it, a big duh moment. I'd do with her exactly what I'd do at work. Practice.
That evening that's all she did. She practiced. I reminded her that she is expected to do as she is told every time and the first time. And, I added this on, "The only thing I want to hear when I ask you to do something is 'Yes, Mommy' and then you do it, immediately." Low and behold... I have been hearing "Yes, Mommy!" ever since.
So this learned behavior (thanks so much sassy kiddo in Ember's class, lol) was easily solved by just telling her my expectations and having her practice. She probably didn't even know what I wanted before or that it was important to me. Just this morning, I asked her to clean up the kitchen with me and she immediately dropped what she was doing and said, "Yes, mommy." Music to my ears!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
"doing school"
Ember is usually very aware of what day of the week it is, but for some reason today must have thrown her because she asked me this morning if she could stay home and "do school" with me. This is something I've allowed her to do during the school year when I've been home for one reason or another- holidays, one or both of them is sick, doctor's appointment ended up scheduled so I had to take a full day, whatever the reason. I've told her she could stay home from preschool several times, but only if she would be willing to do school work at home. Today she offered. Nevermind that it was Saturday. I wasn't about to point out that detail.
So this morning both girls, yes both(!) "did school." It was shockingly simple. And I'm not just saying that to toot my own horn or whatever. I really am shocked (see my shocked face?).
8:30 Ember started her morning with Math Whizz (amazing computer games BTW), a couple games she's played before on counting and more/less concepts. Briar also did "math" by playing with Duplos. She made a bunch of towers and put them in a row (rows are her "thing"). I counted them for her- ta dah- math with a 16 month old.
8:50 Ember did a couple pages (well, I suggested 2 pages- Ember did 8)from her kindy workbook on shapes, oval and triangle review. Briar scribbled on a bunch of paper and I wrote her name for her to scribble on. Briar had a snack while Ember enjoyed her shapes.
9:15 Then we all played outside and checked on the garden. Ember worked on throwing and kicking balls. Briar chased us around, screaming...happily screaming.
10:00 Ember made a craft with feathers and paper, a rectangle bird and butterfly- my sneaky way to get her to practice drawing triangles and ovals. ;) Briar was playing with feathers and fridge magnets. Our fridge looks marvelous! Then the girls both played in the playroom for a while (zhu zhu pets and dancing)
11:00 Then lunch and a little Yo Gabba Gabba (Thank you Netflix!). I learned the Briar loves, no adores! Ramen noodles. Then we read 6 books together. I read 5 and Ember read 1. Briar pointed out every ball or ball like object in every book. And now they are napping.
Weee, lets do this again tomorrow! Of course Ember will probably remember it's Sunday.
So this morning both girls, yes both(!) "did school." It was shockingly simple. And I'm not just saying that to toot my own horn or whatever. I really am shocked (see my shocked face?).
8:30 Ember started her morning with Math Whizz (amazing computer games BTW), a couple games she's played before on counting and more/less concepts. Briar also did "math" by playing with Duplos. She made a bunch of towers and put them in a row (rows are her "thing"). I counted them for her- ta dah- math with a 16 month old.
8:50 Ember did a couple pages (well, I suggested 2 pages- Ember did 8)from her kindy workbook on shapes, oval and triangle review. Briar scribbled on a bunch of paper and I wrote her name for her to scribble on. Briar had a snack while Ember enjoyed her shapes.
9:15 Then we all played outside and checked on the garden. Ember worked on throwing and kicking balls. Briar chased us around, screaming...happily screaming.
10:00 Ember made a craft with feathers and paper, a rectangle bird and butterfly- my sneaky way to get her to practice drawing triangles and ovals. ;) Briar was playing with feathers and fridge magnets. Our fridge looks marvelous! Then the girls both played in the playroom for a while (zhu zhu pets and dancing)
11:00 Then lunch and a little Yo Gabba Gabba (Thank you Netflix!). I learned the Briar loves, no adores! Ramen noodles. Then we read 6 books together. I read 5 and Ember read 1. Briar pointed out every ball or ball like object in every book. And now they are napping.
Weee, lets do this again tomorrow! Of course Ember will probably remember it's Sunday.
Friday, June 10, 2011
So much for two years of 365!
haha, that was a pitiful attempt! 16 pictures. *hangs head in shame*
Now in my defense, I'm sure I took that many pictures in between then and now, but maybe I'll just turn this into a blog about my two kiddos. Or maybe even my thoughts! No wait, I'm not supposed to think (It's summer break)... I'll stick to the kiddos!
Now in my defense, I'm sure I took that many pictures in between then and now, but maybe I'll just turn this into a blog about my two kiddos. Or maybe even my thoughts! No wait, I'm not supposed to think (It's summer break)... I'll stick to the kiddos!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
day sixteen
Kids are hard to photograph. Given. Want to know what's impossible? Taking a picture of the tower an almost 1 year old builds from blocks before she smacks it to the ground. Here are all my feeble attempts.
First we have: Oops, the flash came on.

Next: Nice Tower, no baby in picture.

And: Baby, check! Blocks, check! Tower, check! Focus? hmmm

So: Baby, blocks... tower. Sorta, if you hold it, it could be a tower!

Then: *smack* Doooooown it goooooes.

Well: It *was* a tower, then the smacker came along.

Er: Again with the FOCUS.

Attempt 8?: Way too late. New strategy too. Crawl on it!

Um: In focus anyway. No blocks, tower OR baby!

Sigh: I am really glad Briar built like 40 towers right in front of me. And I finally sort of got one.
First we have: Oops, the flash came on.
Next: Nice Tower, no baby in picture.
And: Baby, check! Blocks, check! Tower, check! Focus? hmmm
So: Baby, blocks... tower. Sorta, if you hold it, it could be a tower!
Then: *smack* Doooooown it goooooes.
Well: It *was* a tower, then the smacker came along.
Er: Again with the FOCUS.
Attempt 8?: Way too late. New strategy too. Crawl on it!
Um: In focus anyway. No blocks, tower OR baby!
Sigh: I am really glad Briar built like 40 towers right in front of me. And I finally sort of got one.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
day four
day two
day one
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